European Academy

English Courses


School Projects

English Teachers' Seminar

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School Project Code of Conduct

  1. Remember that you are here primarily as part of your academic studies and that this must be the priority of your visit. You are expected to arrive on time, and be well prepared for the events on the programme arranged by the Academy and to comply with the programme throughout your stay. Students who behave inappropriately will be reported to colleges, parents / carers and, if applicable, the sponsoring organisation that has provided finance for the course. In extreme cases, students will be sent back to their own homes.
  2. Remember that you have been invited into the homes of your host families as guests, and act with politeness and consideration at all times. Host families will not permit students to have visitors of the opposite sex alone in bedrooms.Graphic of girl carrying books
  3. You are expected to be home by midnight. This is for your own safety and out of consideration for the host families. Families will contact the Academy if you are late. 
  4. When travelling around London be extra careful - report any unattended bags or suspicious behaviour to police or officials. Do not leave your own bags unattended. You may have your bags searched before (for instance) going into a museum.
  5. Be careful coming back in the evening; usually tube trains and buses operate up to midnight. Never travel home by yourself and be sensible about avoiding dark streets, etc. It is often safer and cheaper for several people to share a taxi back home. It is always possible to find a black taxi opposite Ealing Broadway station and other stations have mini cab firms nearby if you need a lift to your host family's house. Never get into a mini cab unless you have booked one by telephone or at the cab office.Graphic of open book
  6. If you are under 18 years of age, you should not drink alcohol. Pubs and clubs operate strict rules and alcohol can only be served to people over 18. Some pubs and clubs are only open to 21+. For your own safety, you should not drink to excess and you must be aware that occasionally drinks can be spiked with a drug or extra alcohol; never drink from a stranger's glass or bottle and watch your own glass.
  7. Always take the name, address and telephone number of your host family with you when you go out.
  8. Telephone 0779 4043110 in case of emergency. If you are telephoning from abroad or using your mobiles you will need to dial 00 44 and then the number, omitting the first zero.